The Ryoko Show

Welcome to The RYOKO Show, your source for inspiration and empowerment! I’ve transformed my life from feeling stuck to creating a life I love, one that aligns with my true values and passions. Now, I’m thrilled to share my journey, success principles, and tools to help you let go of old stories and step into the life you’re meant to live. Join me as we explore mindset, the law of attraction, the subconscious mind, authenticity, self-love, and confidence. Everything you need is already within you.




Certifications, Degrees, and Experience

Dui habitasse ut neque mauris lacus in magna sollicitudin enim velit magna mi scelerisque iaculis aliquet tempor risus vitae lorem leo tempus consequat imperdiet vel posuere mi sed sed sollicitudin malesuada tortor.
Professional Certified Coach, PCC

Habitant sed nibh feugiat habitant amet volutpat feugiat. Orci mi, parturient bibendum vulputate viverra varius id.

ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach

Diam aliquet egestas bibendum adipiscing ultricies fames semper aenean feugiat quam enim.

Member of ABC, DEF

Orci mi, parturient bibendum vulputate viverra varius id. Habitant sed nibh feugiat habitant amet volutpat feugiat.

Career Specialty Services Provider, CSS

Ullamcorper nisi adipiscing tempus, dictum iaculis tellus velit ornare odio eget morbi egestas ac pulvinar potenti.

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EFTタッピング - これで

このビデオでは、EFTタッピングの実践方法を紹介しています。EFTは、(Emotional Freedom Technique)の略で、日本語だと、感情の自由法という意味です。EFTタッピングは、ストレス、トラウマ、不安、恐怖など、感情の問題を自分で和らげることができるテクニックです。1990年代にアメリカのGary Craigが、東洋の伝統医学、鍼治療、と現代心理療法を融合し、体内のエネルギーライン上のツボをタッピングすることで、エネルギーブロックを解消し、感情の問題を和らげることができる事を発見し、EFTタッピングと名付けました。タッピングするツボの場所は、空手チョップ、頭の中央、眉がしら、目の横の骨、目の下のくぼみ、鼻の下、あごのくぼみ、鎖骨のくぼみ、わきの下の9つです。ビデオでは、怒りを、解放したい感情の例にしてやり方を説明しています。 自分で簡単にできるので、自分自身のケアとして、EFTタッピングを日常生活に取り入れてみてください。怒りや悲しみ、罪悪感や恐怖、トラウマを抱えていると、身体に悪影響が及ぶだけでなく、夢を実現する際にもブロックとなることがあります。感情を解放し、自分自身を自由にして、輝かしい人生を歩んでいきましょう。

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EFT TAPPING - Tap Away Your Anger with EFT!

In this video, you can learn how to use EFT tapping to release anger. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and refers to a technique that can help reduce stress, fear, anxiety and trauma. In the 1990s, Gary Craig from the United States combined elements of Eastern traditional medicine, acupuncture, and modern psychotherapy. He discovered that by tapping on specific points along the body’s energy meridian lines, it’s possible to release energy blockages and alleviate emotional issues. He named this technique EFT tapping. The tapping points include karate chop, top of the head, eyebrow point, side of the eye, under-eye, under-nose, chin, collarbone, and underarm. Addressing and releasing emotions such as anger, sadness, guilt, fear, and trauma not only can improve your physical well-being, but also it can remove blocks that keep you from achieving your dreams. Go check it out and use EFT tapping to free yourself from these emotions to live a life filled with infinite possibilities!

夢実現の鍵!人生を大転換させる秘訣 - 無料プレゼント

